Three of the most serious global public health problems we face are: multimorbidity, polypharmacy and antibiotic resistance. Multimorbidity refers to the phenomenon, seen most commonly in the elderly but increasingly in the younger population as well, of people having multiple diseases or conditions at the same time. For example, it is quite common that people with high blood … [Read more...]
Homeopathy for Pediatric Allergies
A recent long-term observational study of pediatric allergies presents promising results for the capacity of homeopathic care to address these diseases. Allergic conditions such as eczema, hay fever and asthma are among the most common chronic childhood diseases, and in most western countries, the rates are increasing rapidly. Frequently, one allergic condition will progress … [Read more...]
A science fiction story with a different ending?
It has been said that science fiction can often predict the future correctly. A dark new comic book written by British filmmaker Sara Kenney and published in the US has recently been launched that explores a world without antibiotics. Here is an excerpt from a recent review published by National Geographic: “In a hospital, a female surgeon snarls at a male supervisor. ‘I’m … [Read more...]
The evidence supporting homeopathy for upper respiratory conditions
It has been mentioned in previous posts that single studies investigating the effectiveness of certain types of medical treatments carry much less weight than a body of evidence that includes large studies, multiple studies as well as systematic reviews, or assessments that examine the results of several studies researching the same treatment. It takes a long time for … [Read more...]