Sharing Homeopathy with People of Malawi Africa



In Mach-April 2013, Judy Schmitz, CCH and I travelled to Chintheche Malawi, Africa as volunteer homeopaths through Amma Resonance Healing Foundation (ARHF), a medical charity organization located in the Netherlands and headed by Dr. Harry van der Zee, MD and Peter Chappell, Hon FShom.

ARHF established the Chintheche clinic in Malawi in late 2011 and in March 2012 an invitation was sent out by Dr. van der Zee for homeopaths to go there and serve. We contacted him and also set up a phone call with him about this program since we were not sure about credential requirements. Requirements to go there was to have experience in any medical field. As a homeopath, a few years experience was sufficient to go. We were grateful to be able to go and use our homeopathic skills to help and serve others.

The work we did in Malawi was very rewarding in many aspects. It was thrilling to see people respond to this healing method and become well. It helped us to change how we were taking cases and how to use the tools we had at hand, and it also helped us tremendously in our PRACTICE, which we got lots of.

We worked with a few local people who were trained (and being trained by visiting homeopaths) who helped in translation. Because of translation much of the information was lost due to insufficient experience in homeopathic case taking. Many times, the translator would use his/her own ideas rather than translating exactly what the patient said. Other issues were that in some cases, the translator would not ask the questions we wanted asked. But with all these issues we were able to get enough symptoms in order to select a proper remedy.

Following are some of the chronic conditions that the patients who came to the clinic needed help with:

  • Malaria
  • Tuberculosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Fevers
  • Coughs
  • Headaches
  • Asthma
  • Backaches
  • Burning pains
  • Heart palpitation
  • Skin eruptions of varying kinds
  • Abdominal (and occasionally stomach) pains
  • And many other conditions

For these health issues we used PC (Peter Chappell) and regular homeopathic remedies. In some cases only PC remedies were given and other times PC and regular homeopathic remedies were placed in the same bottle due to cost and unavailability of supplies. The beauty was that people responded positively to these medicines. Some cases were quick (almost over night) and other cases it would take some time, but in almost all cases that we treated the patients became well, either with the PC remedy, the single homeopathic remedy, or a combination of both.


What are PC Remedies?

PC (Peter Chappell) remedies are developed by Peter Chappell. You can read and learn more about PC remedies here:  Peter Chappell & Harry van der Zee wrote the book, Homeopathy For Diseases. We read the entire book prior to our trip to become familiar with the PC remedies and how they were dispensed and its efficacy. The book contains many stories of healings of various chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and others.


Our experiences with PC remedies

We observed many people who came in with the various chronic diseases mentioned above, that after taking the PC (and/or homeopathic remedies) they showed positive effects and a general well being. It enabled them to get their strength back and go to work and provide for themselves or their families.


How they are prescribed and frequency

PC remedies are given in ½ litter bottles. Patients need to bring their own bottles which was a problem for some because they could not afford an empty water bottle. In those cases the clinic provided a free bottle to those patients. In the bottle we would place a few drops of the master PC, plus some alcohol (as preservative) then fill the bottle with water.

The following graph shows the number of patient we saw as well as their demographics during our stay in Chintheche Malawi.



Judy took several thousand pictures while there and I took a few and some videos. We created short videos about various aspects of life in Malawi utilizing mostly the pictures. You can see the ones that have been created at Also on this page you will learn a bit more about this trip.


Where to get more information

For those who are interested in volunteering in Africa or elsewhere you may check ARHF ( ) page for more detail.  ARHF recognizes that there are spiritual, mental, psychological, and physical dimensions to healing diseases and embraces a holistic perspective in these matters. They also provide more up to date information on various opportunities for using your skills as homeopaths (or any medical profession) to serve other people of other countries.

You also may write the author if you have questions or are interested in learning more about ARHF and Malawi.


Reza Sharifi, CCH



Research, volunteer, Malawi Africa, homeopathy, PC remedies, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria.

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