Plantar Fasciitis – Ouch

I was recently at a conference in Seattle, and strolling up and down the hilly streets with old worn-out sneakers and by the time I returned to the hotel, I could barely walk.  And, of all things – I did not bring any remedies with me!  I usually do, of course, carry a first aid kit when travelling, however to my dismay – had left it on my kitchen table.

Well, I struggled through the next couple days and when I got home, mixed up a combination homeopathic remedy once I realized what I was actually dealing with – Plantar fasciitis!  I also soaked my feet in hot water with Epsom salts and it started to heal fairly quickly.  In fact, it was just about healed, when I stepped up to get in a van and I felt it RrrrrrIiiiiPpppp and tear deep in my heel – ouch!

Well, I started my combination remedy again and soaking my feet again – and again – it is almost all healed after 3 weeks because of the severity of the injury!

A question I have repeatedly heard – why are you soaking your feet in hot water and Epsom salts, shouldn\’t you be using ice and an ice bottle to roll your foot on?  Ahhh – the beauty of the principle \”like cures like\”.  Now, surely if you need to use ice in an emergency, by all means please do! However, I want to get the blood flowing to the area thereby healing the area!  When you restrict or suppress the natural tendency of your body to heal itself – healing takes longer!

Another question – what is in the remedy?  One of the main remedies in the combination is Phytolacca which is specific for inflammation and pain where the tendons attach to the bone.  My cousin who is a marathon runner asks for this remedy a couple times a year and says \”its a miracle remedy\”.  She had been struggling with Plantar fasciitis for several months and at her wits end decided to take me up on my offer to send it to her. Within 2 weeks she was off and running again. She has used Arnica and other remedies as well in her running adventures.

At this point, with 2 bouts of this injury and a back injury in-between – well, you must also listen to the messages the universe is sending you!  But, that\’s another story!

Be well!


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