Homeopathy and the \”plausibility argument\”

A quick Google search of “homeopathy” will lead you to at least one webpage that will attempt to convince you homeopathy is not worthwhile because it is “implausible”. This argument is problematic for at least two reasons.

First, there is an obvious error of logic in the assumption that because we cannot explain something, it therefore cannot exist. Such an error has been made many times in our collective past: the earth revolving around the sun, the force of gravity, a growing universe and many other phenomena now commonly accepted as facts were all at one time deemed “implausible”.

A second problem with the plausibility argument is it is assumed that because there is no bulk substance contained in homeopathic remedies, they therefore cannot possibly have biological action. However, there is growing scientific evidence that homeopathic remedies do not in fact contain “nothing”. Check out the Homeopathic Research Institute website, which addresses this and similar criticisms of homeopathy, as well as elsewhere on this website.

Here is Dr. Alex Tournier on the subject of homeopathy and the plausibility argument:


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