\”Just One Drop\” the documentary film, has been released

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The much-anticipated documentary film \”Just One Drop\” premiered in London, England on April 6 and tells the little-known story of homeopathy, one of the most controversial systems of medicine in the world right now. Because homeopathy uses minute doses of highly diluted substances that stimulate the body to heal itself, some see it as \”implausible\”. They fear it is purely a placebo, or worse, a form of deception or quackery. Yet homeopathy has been around for over 200 years, is used by millions worldwide including some very prominent people, and there is a growing body of basic and clinical research that supports it. The film explores the controversy, dispels myths and misconceptions, and asks whether or not homeopathy has been given a fair shake.

Here is what the director, Laura Chiten, says about what motivated her to make this film:

\”I am not a homeopath. I have not had a miraculous cure from homeopathy (although my dog did many times). So why have I persisted with this film? Because I really believe it is a David and Goliath story. My entire career I have fought for the underdog. This is something that has animated my being for as long as I can remember.

Homeopathy has been maligned and misrepresented for 200 years. All I am trying to do with this film, Just One Drop, is give homeopathy a voice, a voice that continues to be misinterpreted.

I also work as an editor for a major NY hospital where I create videos showing modern healthcare at its best. Modern healthcare is incredible and has saved many lives. But, there are many chronic conditions where it fails.

I want JUST ONE DROP to open up a dialogue, get people talking to each other, asking questions, and sharing information. My ultimate dream is to have homeopathy available as a health care option for everyone and be integrated into healthcare systems around the world\”.

Watch the trailer

JUST ONE DROP official trailer from Blind Dog Films on Vimeo.

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