Wonderful Homeopathic Conference Coming this Fall! “Returning to Our Roots. Utilizing Primary Homœopathy Sources to Apply Hahnemann’s Methodology for Consistently Exceptional Clinical Outcomes” – September 20 - 22, 2024. Location: Sonoran University, Tempe, Arizona The conference will be in person and virtual (accessible remotely). It will provide training in the … [Read more...]
Homeopathy and the “plausibility argument”
A quick Google search of “homeopathy” will lead you to at least one webpage that will attempt to convince you homeopathy is not worthwhile because it is “implausible”. This argument is problematic for at least two reasons. First, there is an obvious error of logic in the assumption that because we cannot explain something, it therefore cannot exist. Such an error has been … [Read more...]
“Just One Drop” the documentary film, has been released
The much-anticipated documentary film "Just One Drop" premiered in London, England on April 6 and tells the little-known story of homeopathy, one of the most controversial systems of medicine in the world right now. Because homeopathy uses minute doses of highly diluted substances that stimulate the body to heal itself, some see it as "implausible". They fear it is purely a … [Read more...]
Agrohomeopathy: toward sustainable agriculture and refuting the placebo hypothesis
The proliferation of herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals in agriculture is coming under criticism from environmentalists, farmers, nutritionists and members of the general public who question the use of artificial and potentially dangerous agents to grow our food. Meet Giovanni Dinelli, a biologist at the University of Bologna in Italy who had a successful 15-year … [Read more...]
Dr Peter Fisher, Research Director, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine talks about homeopathy
Three of the most serious global public health problems we face are: multimorbidity, polypharmacy and antibiotic resistance. Multimorbidity refers to the phenomenon, seen most commonly in the elderly but increasingly in the younger population as well, of people having multiple diseases or conditions at the same time. For example, it is quite common that people with high blood … [Read more...]