Johanna Antar, LHP, RSHom(NA)
Johanna studied at The School of Homeopathy, New York, earning her diploma in June 2004. She was awarded her CCH in February 2008, and her LHP in November 2024. Additional education with international professors include Misha Norland, Janet Snowden, Jeremy Sherr, Rajan Sankaran, Farokh Master, Frans Vermeulen and Louis Klein. Her private practice, Sacred Stories Homeopathic Consulting, LLC, is located in Daniel Island, SC. Johanna can be contacted at jantar@nyc.rr.com, 646-479-3222.

Whittni Grubaugh DIHom, CCH

Bethany Huss LHP, RN
Licensed Homeopathic Practitioner (LHP) and actively licensed RN for 22 years specializing in Trauma and Perioperative Nursing, Bethany Huss brings decades of experience and expertise in both Homeopathic and Modern Medicine. As a strong patient advocate and Integrative Health Practitioner, she excels in collaboratively working with clients to create the best plan in moving on from debilitating, recurrent, or stuck symptoms into a life of strength, relief and freedom. Contact Bethany at bethany@sweetgrasshomeopathy.com, www.sweetgrasshomeopathy.com

Suesan Johnson, CCH
Suesan is a graduate of the American Medical College of Homeopathy, is certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification and has additional training in Homeoprophylaxis. Her scope of practice includes acute and constitutional homeopathic health care for children and adults as well as HP educational program. Contact Suesan at sjohnson@naturalmedicinedetox.com

Nickole Kaufman, LHP
Nickole is a former research lab rat with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Virginia Tech. She witnessed a miraculous turn around in her own child with chronic homeopathic care, spurring a passion to learn more and help others regain health and live fulfilling lives. Nickole is a graduate of the Academy of Homeopathy Education and is currently enrolled in Jeremy Sherr’s DYNAMIS School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies. A fully virtual practice allows Nickole to help clients all over the US with everything from simple childhood ailments to complex chronic and autoimmune conditions. Contact Nickole at www.thrivingwithhomeopathy.com.

Mara Koch, MA Clinical Psychology, CCH, LHP
Contact Mara at (970) 946-2255, mkoch.homeopathy@gmail.com, www.attunedhomeopathy.com

Debbie Noah, LHP, LAC, CCH, RSHom(NA)
I currently run student clinics, and provide supervision and mentorship for students. If you would like to come to a clinic for a nominal cost with a student that I supervise, please contact me at 602-625-4721 or debsquest1@aol.com. Supervision, clinic, and mentorship are coming soon through HAAZ!

Marnie Reasor, RSHom(NA)
Since 2001, Marnie has provided life-changing relief to women suffering from a wide range of relentless hormonal imbalance symptoms. Her distinct approach combines classical homeopathy, plant stem cell tinctures and compassionate, active listening to relieve symptoms and address root causes of PMS, menopause, fibroids and endometriosis. Marnie is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy, New York, a four-year clinical training program. She works long-distance by Zoom and sees clients in her office at 210 25th Ave. North, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN. Contact Marnie at Marnie@ResplendentHealing.com, https://resplendenthealing.com/

Corrie Stuck, RSHom(NA), LHP
Corrie Stuck is a registered and licensed homeopath with a passion for holistic health, having initially practiced as a wildcrafting herbalist for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Holistic Health and Nutrition. She is a graduate of the Academy of Homeopathy Education (AHE). Currently, she is a practitioner with Homeopathy Help Now (HHN) and supervises students and interns studying with AHE/HHN. She volunteered in Tanzania for an extended time with Homeopathy for Health in Africa’s clinic, seeing up to 40 people daily. Thereafter, she founded the Pagosa Free Clinic which serves the local veterans, seniors and families in need in Pagosa Springs, CO. Seasoned and student homeopaths are invited to volunteer with the clinic. Serving people nationwide, Corrie runs a thriving, holistically based, private practice that believes good communication and connection is an integral part of the successful client/practitioner relationship and practice outcomes. She absolutely loves running around the woods and waters of Pagosa barefooted. Because this passion for nature, spirit, and community connections, Pagosa Homeopathy plants a tree for every new client and referral. Contact Corrie at corrie@pagosahomeopathy.org www.pagosahomeopathy.org

Anna Vakil, PhD, LHP
Anna is a licensed homeopathic practitioner and owner of Yuma Homeopathy, providing health and wellness care to families in Yuma, Arizona since 2013. She also runs Wellness Care Online, a fully online practice with a focus on hormone issues such as menopause, weight management, anxiety, depression, insomnia, menstrual, uterine and ovarian problems, thyroid and glandular issues, topics that are covered in her monthly blog Healthy Hormones Report. Anna’s PhD from the University of Michigan is in interdisciplinary planning and public policy, and before practicing homeopathy, she was a tenured university professor at a Canadian university for 9 years. Anna can be reached at 928-247-6385, anna@yumahomeopathy.com , https://www.yumahomeopathy.com/ , anna@wellnesscareonline.com , https://www.wellnesscareonline.com/

Betsy Williams
I am a 2016 graduate of The American Medical College of Homeopathy located in Phoenix, AZ. I have been using homeopathy on myself, my family, our friends and pets for over 20 years. I decided to study it full time and I started practicing in 2014. I am located in Camp Verde AZ. I treat first aid, acute, and chronic conditions. I am available to meet in person, over the phone or online. Check my actual patient results at azhomeopathictherapy.com